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The Islamic Modest Dress


Author(s): Ayatullah Murtadha Mutahhari

Publisher(s): Dar us Seqafe Qum - Islamic Republic of Iran

Category: Hijab (Islamic Modest Dress)

Topic Tags: Hijab Islamic societal law

Appearance: 104p

Congress Classification: BP230/17/م 6م 504952 1300

Dewey decimal classification: 297 /636

National bibliography number: م 78-24713


سرشناسه : مطهري، مرتضي، 1358 - 1299

Mutahhari, Murtaza

عنوان قراردادي : [مساله حجاب. انگليسي]

عنوان و نام پديدآور : The Islamic modest dress

مشخصات نشر : Qum: Dar -Us-Seqafe, 13 = [ ]1995.

مشخصات ظاهري : ص 104

وضعيت فهرست نويسي : فهرستنويسي قبلي

يادداشت : انگليسي.

يادداشت : كتابنامه

عنوان ديگر : مساله حجاب (انگليسي)

عنوان ديگر : The Islamic modest dress

موضوع : حجاب

رده بندي كنگره : BP230/17/م 6م 504952 1300

رده بندي ديويي : 297 /636

شماره كتابشناسي ملي : م 78-24713


Benefits of modest dress, philosophic and social reasons for dressing modestly, rules and laws involving appropriate gender interaction.




The Word hijab (Modest Dress)


We believe in a particular philosophy in Islam for woman's hijab or modest dress which forms our intellectual point of view and in regard to analysis, it can be called the basis for the Islamic modest dress.


Before we begin our discussion, it is necessary to look at the meaning of the word hijab which is used in our age to refer to a woman's covering. This word gives the sense of 'covering' because it refers to a veil or a means of 'covering' . Perhaps it can be said that because of the origin of the word, not every covering is hijab. That 'covering' which is referred to as a hijab is that which appears behind a curtain. The Holy Quran describes the setting of the sun in the story of the Prophet Solomon,

"...until the sun was covered (bil hijab) and time for the afternoon ritual prayer was over." (38:32)

The diaphragm separating the heart from the stomach is also called 'hijab'.


In the advice given by Imam Ali to Malik Ashtar, he states, " ... prolong not your seclusion (hijab) from your subjects, for a ruler's seclusion from his subjects is a kind of constraint and (results in) a lack of knowledge

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